A lot of people can easily agree on one thing; falling in love is one of the greatest feelings ever. You’ll probably know when you start falling in love, but if you want to be certain, we’ll highlight some of the signs you are falling in love with someone.
The extraordinary part of falling in love is its inexplicable nature. No one can explain exactly what it feels like until they experience it first hand. Even at that, there are upsides and downsides of loving; sometimes you feel so happy that you consider yourself the luckiest person on earth. You can’t help but relish the feelings and emotions that come with love. You simply want it to last forever. But then, other times, you feel heartbroken, worn out, used, blackmailed, weak, and insecure — all because you gave love a chance.
No wonder the concept of love has been highly controversial for as many decades as you and I can remember. While some believe that love is a beautiful thing and that it takes strength to fall (and stay) deeply in love, others believe that people fall in love because they are weak, insecure and want a place to feel safe.
Signs You Are Falling In Love With Someone
The truth is, everyone can have their opinions about love and only those who truly experience it can define it uniquely. Now, are you confused about whether you are beginning to fall in love or are merely infatuated?
Given the tricky nature of pinpointing how it truly feels to be in love, your dilemma is quite understandable!
Now, let’s get down to business shall we?
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1. You Try So Hard To Impress Them
We all tend to try hard to achieve something as long as we truly desire it.
The same way people strive at work to impress their bosses is how they also try to please those they admire. And just as they work hard to win a competition is also how they do their best to win the heart of those they are in love with.
Have you ever readjusted your style of dressing so you can get the attention of this particular guy? Do you often try to sound funny, intelligent, or confident just so you can be more appealing to this particular amazing girl you often chat with? Why is it so?
Well well, I’ve got to break it to you, it’s a sign you’re falling in love. Because when people love – they try to impress.
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2. You Feel Very Happy Around Them
Practically speaking, the first question a relationship expert would ask their client when they need counsel is; are you happy in the relationship?
The reason for this important question is because your level of happiness or sadness says a lot about the bond you share with your partner.
You will agree with me that “love” has a lot to do with emotional connection, particularly happiness and sadness. And it’s quite typical to feel happier when you are in love and feel exactly the opposite when you fall out of love. So it’s a sign worth considering if you feel extra happy whenever you are around them. You may just be developing a soft spot for them inside your heart.
3. You Are Always Ready To Compromise
One way to show your genuine care for someone is by making some unusual adjustments just to accommodate them in your life.
Normally, we want to focus on our “personal” wants and needs, but the moment we start making compromises or sacrifices for someone else who is not family, it might mean that something deeper is just about kicking off.
Let’s say you normally prefer watching Wildlife documentary TV shows but he has this passion for watching football; do you find yourself sacrificing the fun you have while watching wild animals and joining him to watch his boring football matches? News flash – that’s a sign you are falling in love with him.
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4. You Are More Conscious Of Yourself Whenever They Are Around
Yep! Most people have probably been through this once or twice; that apprehensive feeling you get when you are with the person you’ve been crushing on. Just hearing their voice from a distance is enough to send a wave of emotions (and hormones) through your body.
You are more careful than ever not to screw things up… because the last thing you want is to get them Not liking you. That’s why you will begin to ask yourself questions like; does my joke sound funny to her or does it make me look stupid? Is my hair messed up? Was my fart loud?

5. It Deeply Affects You To See Them In Pain
Empathy is a virtue that comes with affection. Nobody will walk in the shoes or feel the pain of another person unless they care enough about them.
When you genuinely feel something for someone, you can’t help but understand how sad or hurt they are. This is because of the emotional connection you share with them.
The only confusing part of this is that aside from romantic relationships, this kind of connection can also be experienced when you love a friend deeply. Fortunately, you can easily tell whether your love is romantically driven or not (wink).
6. You Crave Their Presence
Let’s say you had a great time chilling out with some friends. But among them was this interesting guy who was seated next to you; you noticed his nice smell, calm voice, pretty eyes, and that smile of his that can charm anybody. To add to his amazing nature, he’s funny and has this positive energy about him.
While laying in your bed at home, thoughts about him just can’t leave your mind. You can still picture his face and you still find yourself laughing at some of his funny jokes. You just can’t wait to see him again.
Does this sound familiar?
If so, then one thing is certain; you like him a lot. And while it’s possible you just appreciate his personality, it’s even more likely that you’re gradually falling in love if you keep thinking about him and craving his presence.
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7. His Flaws Don’t Matter To You
We are all wonderfully and uniquely made. But we also have our fair share of flaws and weaknesses. People are naturally wired to feel insecure about their flaws. Especially when they fear that other people might look down on them or even get turned off when they uncover such weaknesses.
However, the moment you find out that you are comfortable with someone, irrespective of their flaws; it could be a sign you are falling in love with them.
8. You Start Getting Along With Their Preferences/Hobbies
You probably have your areas of interest in life. We all do. Plus, most of us have specific hobbies. But when you get fond of someone, it’s always a different ball game because you’ll start finding their hobbies interesting — without being coerced into it.
At some point, you wouldn’t mind joining her at the salon. You might even start supporting his favorite soccer team. Playing PlayStation with him might become more fun than ever. This shouldn’t come as a surprise to you, it’s only possible because you’re in love.
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9. You Appear Unfazed By Your Ex
It’s like a tradition for exes to come running back into our lives once we’ve successfully endured the breakup pains and moved on. Sure enough, it feels very tempting for many of us. However, if you notice that you are unfazed by the sudden re-emergence of your ex, then it’s a possible sign you are falling in love with someone else.
In such situations, when someone asks you, “What about your ex?” your response is always along the lines of “What ex? I can’t even remember having one.” The reason for this is simple; you are now preoccupied with newfound love.
10. You Are Not Afraid Of Getting Hurt
One major setback for any new relationship is the fear of getting hurt at some point. This anxiety may be a result of insecurity or trauma from past relationships that never worked out.
Will he leave me after getting what he wants? Will he take emotional advantage of me when I finally go all in? Will she leave me for a richer man?
Many people argue that one is only scared of being hurt when they love someone. While this might seem to be true, the fact remains that when you are genuinely falling in love with someone, it sweeps you off your feet and offers you little time to think twice about it. That’s why it is very difficult to advise someone who is in love. Even after pointing out the “obvious” danger to them, it won’t deter them from going all in.
11. It Feels So Easy
Being in a relationship and maintaining it is one hell of a job. But when you love someone and you notice that they feel the same way about you, it becomes less work. You will be happy doing what you do because the feeling is mutual.
12. Their Presence Alone Is So Much Fun
Another sign you are falling in love is when you don’t have to go on a special dinner date for you to have fun with that person. Simply chilling out with them, watching Netflix together in the living room, or even cooking together will be much more fun.
13. They Are The Only Good Thing You Think About When Every Other Thing Sucks
Okay yeah, that heading was a bit long.
Have you ever been in a situation when nothing in life seems interesting but then remembering that special someone brings a huge smile to your face? No matter how stressful the day has been at work, no matter how pressured you feel by your boss, at least you have someone to cheer you up at the end of the day. That is love speaking.
14. You Choose To Confide In Them Ahead Of Any Other Person
Well, this is also possible when the person in question is your best friend. But if they’re not your bestie, and you feel safe confiding in them, then it could be a sign you are falling in love.
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15. You Care More About Their Happiness
When you genuinely love someone, you prioritize their happiness ahead of any other thing. You always consider their comfort before making any decision because you obviously can’t afford to hurt them.
This is not a way of suggesting that you should always please a person just to feel in love with them, but giving it (their happiness) a thought before taking any action shows how deeply you feel for them.
Final Thoughts
It’s one thing to pick an interest in someone but understanding the signs you are falling in love might get tricky at times. Fortunately, with this article, you’re off to a great start!
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