Do you want to enjoy your “me time” even if you want a suitable partner? Are you tired of being weighed down by the thought of not finding Mr. or Mrs. Right yet? Today we’ll look at some tips about how to be happy single, even if you don’t necessarily WANT to be single.
What can you do if you’re feeling so lonely because you’re not in a relationship? Well, here’s the thing; to be happy single is a life hack itself and truth be told, you probably want a partner that’s close to perfection. So it’s only fair and logical that you also train yourself to be the “almost perfect” Mr. or Mrs. Right too.
Some people have successfully lived on their own like they were their one true love and, after reading this article, you’ll understand how they did it. Let’s get right into it!

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1. Unlearn and relearn
Prixie once said “Single is not a status. It is a word that describes a person who is strong enough to live and enjoy life without depending on others”.
Being single doesn’t mean you are afraid of love neither does it show the weakness of finding a partner. Instead, it is the strength of having the patience to find the right person for you. You should understand that being single is not the end of the world.
Do not see a relationship as a kind of achievement because then, that would be your sole purpose to be “fulfilled”. There are so many things you can find out about yourself. Look at being single as an opportunity and put away that mindset that you can’t be happy without a partner.
Do not seek other people to fill spaces in your life. If you keep on attaching material things or people to your happiness, you will never truly be happy. They could add to making you happy but should not be the main reason for your happiness.
To be happy single means that you know you are complete but you just need a complement, which is your partner. This brings me to the next point!
2. Self-love and appreciation
While waiting for a partner, there is a high probability of feeling worthless and empty, especially when you are the odd one out amongst your friends who are in relationships. This is where self-love comes in.
Have a healthy self-concept. Learn to appreciate yourself for who you are. Get rid of feelings of inferiority and self-hatred. Stand in front of the mirror and praise yourself. You are a masterpiece, girl!
People can’t appreciate you if you don’t know how to appreciate yourself. You deserve to be loved by you and not just people around you. List out all your good qualities, your features, your gifts, talents.
Spend more time with yourself. Go shopping, book yourself a manicure and pedicure threat, go to a nice restaurant and treat yourself to a delicacy. In short, imagine how you want your partner to care for you, then care for yourself that way.
3. Goals
Do not wait to be in a relationship to pursue your goals. Being single is a call to focus on yourself. Setting your goals is one of those focuses.
Being single means that you are not committed to anyone so you have enough time to yourself. Learn to be an asset first. Take out time to write down your priorities, list out your desires, your career plan, your financial plan, that dream house of yours, and all the other things you want to accomplish.
These are your goals. Break them into smaller daily goals and set a reasonable time which acts as a deadline for the accomplishment of those goals.
4. Take action on your goals (Self Development)
Having listed your goals, you have successfully identified areas you want to do well in. That being said, now is the time to develop yourself. This will go a long way toward achieving your goals.
To be happy single, you have to develop yourself in all aspects but to do that, you must understand yourself; your strengths and flaws. This would give you a good idea of where to start.
You have a gift or talent, build on it! You want to learn a skill, pursue it! Take that course you are interested in, read wide and deep, go into a career you’re curious about, explore, keep on learning.
Discover your purpose, dream big, and pursue it.
Work on yourself, your insecurities. Be the best you can be. Make yourself the kind of person you would like to attract
Step out of your comfort zone, try to do things you have never done before and you would find out that you have no time to be worried about your relationship status. You would be happy single!

5. Be independent
To be happy even without a boo, you need to understand and acknowledge the fact that your happiness lies with you and is not dependent on anyone or anything.
When you can enjoy having fun with yourself, this is independence. Hence, you should not only recognise enjoying your singlehood but you should also acknowledge a good idea of spending time with yourself.
6. Start a new hobby
While you are free of the responsibilities that come with being in a relationship, you definitely have all the time to start a new hobby. Let it be something that would inspire you to enrich your life. Choose something that would challenge you and as well give you pleasure.
Find out what your likes and dislikes are. Do not be afraid to take risks or make mistakes. It’s for fun so let it be fun.
7. Spend time with family and friends
Being single doesn’t mean you’re alone in the world. Instead, it has given you an opportunity to focus on other kinds of relationships. Spending more time around people that cherish you, such as family and close friends, is a way to always be cheerful.
Your family and friends are there for you, so show them you care about them also. Spend quality time with them. Reconnect with your friends. Here are some ideas on how to do this:
- Go on vacations, sleepovers, pool parties
- You could take a visit to your home town, visit new cities with old friends.
- Talk intimately with your family. This is an opportunity to bond stronger with them before your partner appears
You deserve to be surrounded by the right set of people who would love you for who you are and not what you can offer. Quality time spent doing things you love with those you love and trust is one big heart-warming activity that strengthens you emotionally.
8. Exercise regularly and eat a balanced diet
While single, you should put more effort into staying fit and healthy. This includes eating well, especially breakfast, and exercising regularly. Hit the gym and get into shape. Play sports as well, such as tennis, basketball, football, volleyball, and the likes.
You could also engage yourself in yoga, meditation, and other breathing exercises. This will make you feel much better and improve your self-confidence. Feel good about your body!
Sometimes, your diet can affect your happiness and bring your mood down, so be sure to eat regularly and eat healthily. Stay fit and imbibe a happy lifestyle.
9. Practice solitude, not loneliness
Sometimes, you might seem withdrawn and need time to ponder on some issues. In these times, even when you’re alone (solitude), don’t be lonely (loneliness).
Solitude helps you by giving you space and time to reflect and improve on yourself but that feeling of loneliness drowns you, your self-esteem and if extreme, could cause depression.
10. Be thankful
Your outlook on life should be with a grateful heart. Learn to appreciate the little things around you such as your family and friends, a fulfilling job, great neighborhood, the peace of mind you have, and other subtle things because only then would you be able to cherish them.
Having a heart of gratitude will help you appreciate life as it is and live a fulfilling life.
11. Have an open mind
Do not use your past or previous pains as the basis of your judgment for your present or future. Forgive yourself and let go. Have a positive view of life. This will keep you open to every opportunity in life and also help you find true love.
12. Discover what makes you unhappy
Alongside focusing on the things which lighten up your mood, you should also try to discover those things that cause your mood to flip downside. To get happier, discover what makes you miserable.
This way, you would be able to tackle/counter them effectively, thereby increasing your chances of always being happy.
13. Get to meet new people
Be open to making new friends. Get to meet new people without the intention of meeting a potential partner. For this purpose, you could decide to take a solo trip to a different country or area. Make people feel at ease around you. Listen to what they have to say and give feedback. Present your honest self, don’t try to impress anyone. Just be you!
14. Ignore the media’s description of the “ideal couple”
Most times, the media makes it seem like being in a relationship is the only way to be happy. Ignore these depictions because most are not true. Also, avoid reading magazines, or novels that reinforce the idea that being single is bleak, and being in a relationship is bliss.
Do not compare your single life with that of a married couple. This will make you feel incomplete and trigger unnecessary emotional instability.
15. Self Affirmations
Encourage yourself by saying soul-lifting words in the form of affirmations. This could be what you believe about yourself or what you would like to believe about yourself.
Some of these affirmations can be:
- I am beautiful
- I’m kind and loving
- I live my life to the fullest
- I am not and cannot be intimidated by anything or anyone
16. Focus on facts, not emotional assumptions
Another factor that might not allow you to be happy as a single person is focusing on assumptions rather than facts. What actually hurts might not necessarily be life’s happenings. It is usually the opinions we attach to them that do hurt.
Life never gave a law that states all unhappy people are the single ones, so you shouldn’t attach any negative opinion or assumption to being single!
17. Be kind to others
Do well to make other people happy. Reach out to people and lighten up their mood. Give at least one genuine compliment to someone per day. Happiness isn’t selfish. Happiness is contagious.
You would gain far more than what you give to others.
18. Practice laughing and smiling
As they always say, “laughter is the best medicine”. Research has also shown that on an average level, laughing helps to relax the muscles in the face and prevent wrinkles.
Laughing calms your nerves. You could take time out to see a comedy or watch hilarious jokes at your convenience. Also, do not let little issues get to you. Try not to get upset over everything or little things. Laugh off some issues. This will reduce the chances of you feeling lonely.
It is your turn to be happy single!
Final thoughts
It’s okay if you haven’t been practicing these. It is never too late. You can start now. In fact, if you could take out time to go through this, you sure are ready to be happy on your own.
Just adjust your mindset, love and appreciate yourself, set your goals, and take action on them. Understand that your happiness lies with you, your partner only complements it.
Be sure to take on new hobbies, spend more time with your family and friends, eat healthily and regularly. Never forget that even though you might be in solitude, you are not lonely! Be thankful and have an open mind. Discover what makes you unhappy so that you can counter it, make new friends, and the fun part of it all, laugh a lot.
You can do it.
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