When you see a happy couple, it doesn’t necessarily mean that they’re perfect. No relationship or marriage is entirely perfect. But there are some habits happy couples have that keep their relationship strong.
A happy couple is just two individuals who have spent a lot of time together and have been able to adapt to each other’s differences and hence, the compatibility.
In other words, that lovely relationship you might be fantasising about didn’t just happen. It took a lot of conscious efforts and sacrifices to build it. With the sacrifices such couples made, they then found happiness in each other.
As a matter of fact, there are certain attitudes, characters, and behaviors that make a (particular) couple happy with each other. And a little tweak in this attitude or habit can cause a lot of changes. That’s why you hear such stories where a seemingly happy couple files for a divorce. It’s because something changed – a habit, a character, a behavior – and it wasn’t addressed on time.
This habit that just changed can be referred to as a bond that held them together. Therefore, it won’t be a surprise if such a change leads to catastrophic consequences (if not addressed).
Habits happy couples have
Now, you might be asking, what are the real and applicable habits happy couples have?
This is invariably a very important question to ask even as a single or married person. It will help you realize the habits that can create a bond between you and your partner. And when you know this, it is more unlikely that you’ll change any of those habits. As a result, your relationship or marriage will be unending!
Now, enough of admiring happy couples and wishing your relationship was the same. You can actually do something about it! Let’s look at the 10 habits happy couples have and how you can apply them to your own relationship.

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1. They Make Out Time For Each Other
Time in a relationship can be compared to a gem. It’s so valuable!
Any relationship where the partners don’t have enough time to spare (for each other), is bound to crash sooner or later. Sadly, that’s the plain truth. It won’t last.
This is because the importance of enjoying each other’s company in a relationship cannot be overemphasized. And you can’t share blissful moments with your partner if you don’t have time for them.
It’s quite unfortunate that often, couples take up completely different routines. They get so engrossed in those routines that they get carried away. And as a result, they have little or no time for each other. They stop spending time together like they used to.
As a matter of fact, nothing can cause emotional and physical disconnection more than this. Now, it might interest you to know that one of the major habits happy couples have is that they find a way to make out time for each other, no matter how tight their schedules are.
How can you do this?
For instance, you can start by ensuring you eat dinner together.
Of course, having breakfast together might be quite difficult because of the morning rush. But at least you can wait for each other during dinner. Enjoy that company. Discuss over that food, and you will definitely feel the connection strengthen with time.
This is just one of the ways you and your partner can ensure you spend time together almost everyday. There are several other options, so do what will work best for your relationship.
2. They Share A Goodnight Kiss
This particular act is very common with happy couples. But at the same time, it’s very special.
Kissing is a great way to express love or passion. And for ages, it has been a way by which couples or spouses get intimate.
Moreover, kissing creates a kind of bond that is unique. This fact is supported by research carried out between couples who are fond of kissing and couples who don’t necessarily kiss. Through the research findings, it was discovered that kissing partners are happier partners. Why? Because they are more intimate than those who don’t.
Now, for instance, if you eventually argue with your partner before bed, you shouldn’t go to bed being mad at them. You have to find a way to regenerate that blissful feeling before you sleep. And there is no better way to do it than to share a kiss with them. It works like magic! The anger melts, the sadness fades away. It takes only a kiss!
In case you don’t know, going to bed with anger is one of the simplest ways to complicate things in any relationship. And it’s the easiest means to extinguish the spark any relationship has. But with a goodnight kiss, such complications can be easily dealt with. Proof! Gone like the wind.
3. They Don’t Allow Intruders
Another vital habit happy couples have is that they don’t give room for outsiders to intrude on their personal lives or private affairs. They stand together at all times and resolve their issues themselves.
Like I mentioned earlier, couples do fight. This is because no relationship is without ups and downs. Even those partners you admire from afar have their bad days. But you will never figure it out!
Why? Because they won’t invite you to settle their issues for them. They know exactly how to sort themselves out.
Many times, a relationship won’t make sense to the outside world. People on the outside are bound to see certain shortcomings and throw in some criticisms. But then it’s only those on the inside (of the relationship) who know exactly how they do their things.
That is the reason happy couples typically pay less attention to the world outside their relationship. As a matter of fact, the world ends between the two of them.
Relying on the outside world to settle disputes between you and your partner is actually not advisable. Because you both understand yourselves better than those outsiders. Besides, you can’t really tell if the outsider has the best intentions for both of you.
4. They Appreciate The Importance Of “I Love You”
One of the most magical phrases used by spouses is “I love you”. It plays a vital role for happy couples.
That phrase might have lost its value in recent years because of how people abuse it. Certain people use it in a deceitful manner.
Nonetheless, for ages, the “I love you” phrase has been a very important aspect in any genuine relationship.
There are times in a relationship when things might start falling apart. You might start having doubts about how much your partner loves you. At this point, nothing will look quite so beautiful in that relationship. However, once you hear your partner use that phrase – I love you – you feel reassured.
That being said, you shouldn’t be surprised if you hear a woman telling a man to reassure her of his love. It is because she simply needs it. And the best way to bring about this reassurance is by saying those three words. It strengthens whatever bond already exists in the relationship.

5. They Communicate How They Feel
Well hello? I’m sure you know how important communication is in everyday life. So, it is even more important once it comes to a romantic relationship.
Nothing is as toxic as bottling up emotions. It destroys relationships faster than lies. This is because a negative emotion you bottled up is already a lie in itself, and the negative feelings you are hiding simply mean you no longer as close to your partner as you once were.
Now, what then is a romantic relationship if deep down you are feeling so bitter?
One of the key habits happy couples have is that they simply can’t harbor anger within themselves. They understand how harmful such an attitude is to their relationship. So they will definitely voice out their feelings if they are hurt. By so doing, they can simply resolve their differences.
Therefore, if you are happy with your partner, express it to the fullest. Also, if you feel hurt, let your partner know. It’s very vital for your relationship.
And just so you know, a wave of bottled anger (during its explosion), can destroy any relationship faster than the way a nuclear bomb destroyed Hiroshima.
6. They Master Each Other’s Love Language
One of the best ways that happy couples strengthen the connection they’ve built over time is being aware of each other’s body language once it comes to romance. They simply master their love languages.
He knows what she wants and when she wants it, just by looking at her. She also recognizes his moves and can tell exactly what he wants when he behaves in a certain way. That’s the power of physical and mental connection. That’s the manifestation of a happy relationship.
Knowing the body language of your partner will give you the insight to love them exactly how they want to be loved. And hence, there won’t be a need for many arguments or fights. Both of you will simply do the needful without being told.
7. They Spend Some Time Outdoors
Actually, dates are not only meant for those who are still trying to start a relationship. It is equally important for a couple whose relationship has lasted for a while (if not more vital).
This is because the longer a relationship lasts, the more the excitement fades. This is especially when nothing is done to reignite the spark. And nothing can bring back this spark better than going out on a date from time to time. It’s essential.
I earlier pointed out how it is important for couples to make out time for themselves. Such time can actually be spent together with your partner outdoors. You can start by going out together for dinner once a week, or so.
8. Sacrifices and compromise
No relationship can stand if there is nothing like sacrifice, as a matter of fact.
Couples are bound to compromise at times. This is because they are two different individuals who came together to achieve a goal (a successful relationship). For that to be possible, there must be compatibility. And there can’t be compatibility without compromise.
For this reason, if you find yourself in a relationship (and you want to stay happy in it) then you must make sacrifices at one point or another. This sacrifice can be as little as watching a football match which you really don’t fancy. Or watching a series that you really find boring. Or even something more difficult like taking the day off to look after your partner who is sick.
By doing so, you’re simply going the extra mile to ensure that happiness prevails between the two of you.
9. They Understand That They Need Space Sometimes
Yes, it’s important to have some space to yourselves.
While it’s lovely to spend time with your partner, the fact remains that too much of everything is bad (and boring!). If you are to get bored with anything, it’s definitely not your partner. So, you have to know when to give them the space they require.
Apart from you, your partner may have a business to attend to. They have seminars to attend, books to read, and family members to meet. They also have friends to hang out with and meetings to attend.
It is quite healthy if you understand that your partner needs some space to attend to some of those things… That’s what happy couples do.
It shouldn’t ALWAYS be all about you.
10. They Always Have Each Other’s Back
Above all, happy couples have each other’s back. Of course, if they don’t, who will? Even though they may not always agree totally, they respect their differences and are perpetually loyal.
Final thoughts
Finally, a relationship is not always a bed of roses. There are often some hitches here and there.
There are times you’ll feel like giving up on your partner. And sometimes, it might be due to a slack in effort (either from you or your partner).
But, if you and your partner can adopt the habits discussed above, you’ll start to be happier in that relationship. And soon enough, other couples will be looking up to your relationship for inspiration! Until next time, adios amigos.
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