The notion of what a good man should be is quite subjective. What one woman sees as good might be bad for another. Today we’ll cover some general qualities of a good man to look out for if you’re considering being in a relationship with him.
The truth is; many women are highly attracted to “Prince-Charming” types of men. That’s why we would instinctively go for the tall, dark (or light?), pink-lipped, cute guy. It’s normal though. I mean, who doesn’t like good looking stuff?
However, when it comes to settling down and engaging in a long-term relationship with a man, it’s usually a different ball game.
At this point, most women realize that it’s not all about how good a man looks. We start considering several other qualities that are vital for any man to have.
One can easily wonder why some women who used to admire cute guys usually end up dating or marrying the not-so-good-looking ones. It’s apparently because, over the years, there has been a priority shift – from what doesn’t really matter to what really matters.
Besides physical appearance, the average woman wants a man who can make her laugh. A man who will be there to support her. A man who respects her. And a man who she can rely on when she’s emotionally down. Someone who can protect her from her insecurities. Someone who motivates her to be the best version of herself.
But unfortunately, there are still many women out there who prefer frivolities over priorities. Such women easily get carried away by mere physique… And at the end of the day, they end up being stuck in a cycle of toxicity.
That being said, you as a woman will be wondering; what are the qualities of a good man I should be looking out for in a relationship?
Well, I’ve got you covered. Let’s go there!

Qualities of a Good Man:
1. He’s Smart
A perfect guy for any lady is a smart guy. When I say smart, I don’t necessarily mean a bookworm but a guy who also has a touch of street-smartness.
Smart guys think fast and solve problems easily. They’re creative and innovative. They can create a wonderful environment out of nothing. In other words, they can improvise easily and tend to see the bigger picture.
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2. He Shares Your Values
In a relationship, the importance of compatibility of values cannot be overemphasized.
If you share the same values with your man, both of you will easily agree on lots of things. Some conflicts and fights will be easily averted.
You will agree with me that most times, different people have different choices, different aspirations, different alternatives, different priorities, and so on… And hence, finding someone who shares your values could be one hell of a task.
But then if you can manage to find the man who is somewhat compatible with you, every other thing becomes a lot easier.
3. He Knows How To Break The Tension
Another quality of a good man you should look out for is if he is the kind of man that can sense tension and ease it before it culminates into something serious.
For instance, that moment when a little fight is building up between the two of you, check if he knows how to place a well-timed joke that cracks you up. In other words, If he notices your negative emotions and finds a way to bring laughter to your face, then he’s the good guy.
4. He Cares About Your Family And Friends
A man who loves you enough to appreciate your family and friends is worth having around.
As a matter of fact, one of the ways to find out how much a man loves and respects you is how he treats other people related to you.
It’s simply awesome to have a partner who is close to your dad and is very fond of your mom. It’s also amazing to have a man who easily gets along with your friends. It gives you some element of freedom to associate with other people without looking over your shoulder.
5. He’s Protective
While over protectiveness can easily become a bit toxic, it’s quite cute to have a protective man as a partner.
Every woman wants a man who makes her feel safe both physically and emotionally. A man who understands her weaknesses and helps her overcome them. A man who can sense her insecurities and make her feel at her best. Basically, a man who makes her feel like she’s the best woman on earth. Above all, a man who tries to keep her away from harm!
In a nutshell, every woman deserves a man who plays the role of a hero in her life.

6. He Accepts The Fact That You Are a Career Woman
If you are a woman who really loves her career and wants to keep pursuing it, then one quality of a good man you should prioritize is a man who respects and supports your career choice.
As you may already know, not every man likes the career-woman thing. Some men just don’t buy that idea. To them, a woman is meant to be at home, take care of the kids, and her husband’s needs…
But then there are other men who’d rather go for a woman who has a career. That is the type of man you should hook up with. He will definitely complement your lifestyle and assist you in every way he can just to make sure you have the time and space to chase your career.
7. He Appreciates You And What You Can Offer
Sure, it’s often difficult to find that man who respects you for both who you are and what you are. Such a man sees the special qualities that other men (probably your exes) couldn’t see in you.
If you eventually come across such a man who genuinely respects your influence, then you shouldn’t let him go. He’s likely the right guy for you.
8. He Is In Perfect Control Of His Emotions
Emotional balance is a rare skill that you should be looking out for in a man.
The truth is that most people are not in control of their emotions. They easily get hurt and can allow their emotions to get the better of them.
One quality a good man should have is understanding that he can be happy if he wants, irrespective of his partner’s actions or inaction.
A man who is disciplined enough to handle his emotions is the best man any woman should have.
But unfortunately, many women don’t prioritize stuff like this, rather they are after external qualities. And sometimes, they end up dating or marrying a beast who has uncontrollable emotional outbursts.
9. He Understands That Relationships Require Hard Work
Of course, every relationship is always going to have some up and down moments.
But the most important thing is to be with a man who understands that hard times are normal in relationships. A man who is willing to make things work out at the end of the day.
10. He Is Your Biggest Fan
Talking about the quality of a good man; have you considered if your man is your biggest fan? Does he support your endeavors? Does he celebrate your little successes with you? More importantly, does he celebrate you as a person? Does he feel comfortable having you glow in your own way?
Or, is he simply intimidated?
An ideal man for you should be a supporter of you… Your fan… Your hype man!
11. He Exhibits Good Courtesy
I’m sure you’ve heard those popular lines that start with; “courtesy demands that…” Well, another quality of a good man is that he should exhibit good courtesy.
For instance, it’s gentlemanly for him to do simple things like; holding the door and allowing you to go first. Drawing out a chair for you, or introducing you to his friends in a way that makes you feel very important.
Of course, such acts do not compulsorily mean a man is good or bad. Neither should you demand or expect them from him. If he does so of his own accord, perfect.
12. He Is Simply Honest
What more do women want in a relationship if not honesty? (And love, and care, and chocolates, and…oh but you get the point).
The truth is that most of the time, many ladies are a bit uncomfortable with guys who are actually very honest. But that doesn’t change the fact that such men are the best.
One good thing about an honest man is that you can comfortably trust whatever he says, and you can rely on his words without having a double-mind.
13. He’s Confident
Mind you, It’s important to know the difference between confidence and arrogance.
A guy who is confident is aware of what he brings to the table. He is charismatic and smart, and he knows it… But then he does not allow those qualities to get to his head.
A confident guy (who knows what he can offer) doesn’t beg to be loved. He simply steps back if he notices that he’s not wanted.
Confident men are rare gems that any reasonable woman should want.
14. He Understands What Integrity Entails
One of the best qualities of a good man is integrity. So many men can easily conform and behave well when their partner is just around the corner. The most important thing is what he does when nobody’s looking!
Can you trust your man to do the right thing when both of you are not in the same location? If you can, then you’ve got a good man, girl.
15. He Is Mentally Mature
Nothing is as annoying as being in a relationship with a man who behaves like a child. One of the prerequisites of being a MAN in the relationship is having the required mental and emotional maturity.
If you feel like you need to constantly look after your man’s behavior, then he’s not man enough. And the truth is; you can’t single-handedly fix such a man. Moreover, it won’t be long before things get irritating.
16. He Is Positive And Ensures You Are Positive Too
Being positive has to do with optimism even in the face of a serious threat. Any lady who is in a relationship with a negative-minded man will likely be infected with negativity. And vice versa.
If you have a man who makes you feel good about yourself and about life entirely, then you should be grateful. After all, relationships should be all about creating happiness and bliss.
17. He Is A Kind Man
It’s simple, a good man is generally kind. Not just to you, but to everyone!
Got such a man in your life? If yes, then again, you should be grateful. But if no, then that’s the quality of a good man you should always look out for.
18. He Is Happy To Have You In His Life
The perfect man for you is a man who appreciates you for who you are. He is always thanking his stars for allowing him to meet you. A good man will make you feel like you are the best thing that ever happened to him.
19. He Doesn’t Play Blame Games
It’s pretty rare to find a man who always owns up to his mistakes and simply apologizes.
Unfortunately, many men are fond of playing the blame game. They find ways to shift the blame to their partner or to a different person entirely! Such a relationship is a very toxic one, to say the least.
20. He Gives You The Attention You Need
It won’t be far from the truth to say that every woman wants attention. Surely, a good man understands this. And he will give you all the attention and love that he can muster.
Don’t buy such excuses like; I have been very busy, I’ve been tied down with work, I barely have time for myself… The truth is that if a man truly loves you, he will always find a way to create time for you. No matter how little.
Finally, finding a good man is not far-fetched. You only have to look beyond those superficial qualities (that glitter like gold).
Look a bit closer.
You will begin to understand what really matters.
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